Thursday, July 29, 2010

Quick thoughts on 360 press conference

black ops- doesnt have Price in it so dont care for it. But for real dont care for it still.
Rising- Not a big fan of metal gear but the slice up the enemies in slow mo makes me want to at least rent it.
GoW3- Looks like 2, Like the spatter from the enemies and the charge move you can do now. Be sweet if thats added with a new chainsaw move.
Reach- The ship battling you can do? looks like it would be great.
Everything else was for Kinect and it was boring, the dance game looks fun to watch someone play that but I wouldnt enjoy playing it
Slim- looks cool in black. wonder what the fail rate for it will be. wondering how much more quiter is it than the normal 360.
Microsoft forgot about us the gamers only having a half hour of real games. The reaction to everyone who was not at the event getting a 360 slim is funny.

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