Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Flashback 8

Two weeks have passed by already, feel like I just wrote up my last blog yesterday. Well I stopped myself from playing more Fallout 3 to finish up some more games. The first game I finished is one of the launch titles for the PS3, Resistance: Fall of Man. This is a game that most people Im guessing picked when the PS3 launch. The story is about this one man Nathan Hale that survived a attack from the Chimera. The Chimera is some virus that changes humans in to Chimera. I was thinking I was going to fight aliens but Im fighting humans, sounds like Blacksite. The graphs suck, it has that look like a low budget 360 game, reminds me of Hour of victory. Most of the cut senses are just pics, news papers and maps like a slide show. All the enemies look the same and there are very few different types of enemies. The 1st level is the hardest part in the game, after that part you gain the ability to regain health. In the first level there is no healing pack or anything to heal you. In all the game is not that good and I wish I didn’t buy it, I hope Resistance 2 is not like this. I say pass on this game, there are better shoots on the PS3 like Killzone.

After finishing a PS3 game I went down a number and played on my PS2. In the Devil May Cry series I only played the 3rd game, I finally played and beaten the 1st Devil May Cry. The different between one and three are very little. Most of the sound has not changed. Game plays are the same, fighting move and a shooting button. Spending XP to get new moves and upgrade weapons are the same. The look of the game as improved; there are very few different kinds of enemies in one. You are mostly fighting off joker looking enemies, fighting them made me wonder where Jester is from three. The enemies look like him just with longer arms. The story is just basically an intro to Danta and his family history. It is a buy for any PS2 owner, now I just need to play two which I hear is the worst out of the three.

After I beat Devil may cry Game fly sent me X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Now movie video games are mostly always bad but not this one. The game is like god of war with RPG leveling system in it. The is about Wolverine before he joins the X men, how he got the claws and what made him not remember anything from his past is answered in this game. The game looks great, very bloody and the locations look fine. Wolverine healing looks cool but are some time his shirt start to appears out of no where. When Wolverine gets hurt and has big wounds on him his white shirt is tear off from it. Over all if you are a X men fan this is a rent, a harder difficulty is unlocked after you beat the game but I didn’t want to play through it again at that time. The game took me only 11 hours to beat, if you want to buy it wait until its $20 or less.

Well it was a slow two week but the next two weeks will be crazy. Modern Warfare 2, Left for dead 2 and The Ballad of Gay Tony (GTA 4 new DLC) will be keeping me busy.

Note: I wrote this last Monday and forgot to post it until now.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

flashback project 7 shorter than the last bog

This blog will be shorter than my last one. For the last two weeks I have been playing mostly fallout 3, 70 plus hours played and still not done. When I am finished with everything in the game I will talk about it more. For now I will talk about the only two games finished since last, Red faction 2 and Fat Princess. I have played Red faction 2 a few months ago but the game would not let me save. It seems I didn't make a profile so the 5 hours I played and enjoyed would have to be repeated. That is what made me shelf the game and not touch it until I was bored after I posted the last blog. I needed a quick game to play and finish, the game only took me 7 hours to beat. The starts 5 years after the first Red faction game. You play as a demo expert of a elite force for the Red faction and you need to stop Ultor from making super soldiers. There is more to the story but I dont want to spoil it. The game looks better then one, your in other places then a cave and offices this time. This is a buy if you can find it, its cheap and fun. Fat Princess is a fun game but I wish it was on the Xbox 360. The game is mostly multiplayer and the PS3 doesn't come with a headset but uses blue tooth headset. People with headset are more rare on the PS3 then 360. Even though the 360 does come with a headset not everyone has it on. I played two of the of the five game modes, rescue the princess and Team deathmatch. For rescue the princess is where voice chat would be very helpful, beside everyone doing what they think they should do one person could take control and guide the team. For team death match just dont go anywhere alone, travel in packs. The game does take time to understand how to play and when you do, you will have some fun. Im going to try and play other game the next two weeks that is not Fallout 3. I have started to play Devil may cry and Resistance: fall of man, will talk about that next time. This is Three dog wahoooooooo, I mean bye.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Im back to blogging and flashback project 6

I know it has been a long time since my last blog. I have not been in the mood to blog all summer, I feel that no one is reading this at all. I have finished a lot of games with in the past 4 months. The first game I finish and I mentioned at the end in my last blog was Ghostbuster for the Xbox 360. This game is a squeal to two and takes place a few years after it. The story was writing by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, who also wrote both movies. You find out that the apartment built from the first movie was only one of the buildings designed to be a spiritual magnet. These other buildings are now changed from the real world into ghost world and the Ghostbusters need to stop it. You play as Rookie, (no that is not your name). Your name is not given and the guys don't want to know it's due to the last rookie. Your job is Egon test subject with new equipment. There are new add-on's to the proton packs that you will use; A slime gun, (like in Ghostbusters 2, you can slime ghost, people and shoot out a slime rope that helps you solve puzzles in the game.), A dart gun, (shoot a big shot at a ghost and all the small shots will go to that ghost.) And ,finally, a stasis gun which shoots like a spread gun and a black stream. Most of the cast from Ghostbusters 1 and 2 lend their voice in the game. Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson are in the game also Annie Potts, as Janine Melnitz, and William Atherton, as Walter Peck. Voice acting is great, except, Bill Murray sounds like is phoning it in. It doesn't feel like he is giving us 110%. The graphs are very detailed, proton packs, the Ecco one, and the fire house look just like they do in the movie. I didn't see any popping or graphs problems during the story. There is one problem and that is online. Online is mostly co-op missions. There is survival,( which is like horde in Gears of war 2), ten wave of ghosts you need to bust them and cap them. Containment which is the same as survival; but, now there is a timer. Thief, where you need to protect relics from the ghost who are trying to steal it. Destruction: you destroy the relics. Protection: you must stay in a circle and fight out ghost until the timer runs off and then move to the next one and repeat. Slime Dunk is the only VS. game online, if you catch the most ghost, you win. What I was hoping for in this game is four player story co-op. Oh well, I will take this instead. Online is already dead, I can never find a match. If you are a Ghostbusters fan, this is a must buy. Everything else a rent.
The next game I finished was Madworld, sent by gamefly. You play as Jack, who is new to the TV game show Death Watch, you fight your way to be number one. There is more to the story; but, after every level there is more twist and turns in the game. After some time I just didn't care anymore. The game feels like No more heroes but without the open world. In it you kill off enemy upon enemy and score points (every level has a point score) you must reach until a boss battle. Graphs are mostly black, white and red. Sega did a great job using just black and white for the levels. The sound is ok. I like that the sound of the chainsaw come out of the wii mote every time you use it. The commentators are good too, but after time you hear them repeating the same thing. They even commentate the credits. The game is short and has no real replay value. You can play it on hard and that's it. It is a rental if you have a wii and liked No More Heroes.
There is not much to say about Lego Indiana Jones. I finished it and I liked it. It tells the movie very well for not saying a single word. If your a Indiana Jones fan, or looking for a game that you and the kids can play, I say buy this. Another game that I don't have much to say about is King Kong. I really only played it for the points. This was one of the launch game with the Xbox 360. The graphs look like a last gen game. The other launch game I played way back was Perfect Dark Zero. It looks like a last gen as well. You play as one of the humans and you play as Kong, It is a few levels. The game is short and has no replay value at all, no unlocks or anything. Rent this if you are a achievement whore like me. In less then 6 hours you will have all the points.
Another crappy game that I finished over the summer is Alone in the Dark. What makes it crappy is two things: bad controls and making collectibles part of the main missions. First, with the bad controls, one of the problems with the controls is the A button does to many things (picking up items, opening and closing doors, and other things that I can't remember right now.) That is just to much for one button. One other problem with the controls is turning to 3rd person view. This game has both first person and 3rd person view. Walking and turning in 3rd person view feels slow and hard to control. Now, with the other problem, making collectibles part of the main missions. This happens towards the end of the game. You need to go around and burn a number of roofs to gain a power, but, not just once. Two times! After the first episode, (the game set up like a TV show with episodes) you say 'thank goodness Im done with that' and get back to the game. In the next episode, they want you to burn more roofs so you can gain a power so you can see an invisible force field. Now, you do not need this power. I went to the invisible force, and saw it with out the power. The story is not that great at all. You play as a man that woke up and has no clue who he is. Later, you find out you were under control by the devil. The devil is on the loose in New York City and you need to stop the devil. Pass on this game. It looked and sounded fun when I played the demo a year ago.
Another game that look and sounded fun when I played the demo is BlackSite: Area 51. The demo and the name makes if feel like aliens have invaded and you need to stop them. Well that's wrong! there are no aliens from other planets in the game or in the story. The U.S. was testing some odd crappy on humans and it turned them into these weird looking things and you need to stop them. You find this out early in the game and that just left me with the feeling of WTF?!!! Area 51 with no aliens? The game is very boring, due to the story and placement of the enemies. Enemies are in a group together and there are big areas with nothing in it. For example you come to a group of a enemies, you kill them all, and move on the an empty area, then you come to a group of enemies. It is like this for the most of the game. There are parts where you are in a jeep or a helicopter and you need to shoot down enemies, this feels great to play but they are short and only happen twice. The graphs in the game look unfinished. Online looks awful compared to single player. I was thinking before I played this, that the game didn't do that well due to the time it was released; but after playing it, I think it should have not have been released at all.
Army of Two came out March 4, 2008. I got this game in July and it is dead online. Co-op and VS are dead. That is the problem with online co-op games after a two months or so it is hard to find anyone that want to do co-op. I enjoyed playing it and want to play it again on the hardest difficult some time before 40th day comes out. Control is good, but, if there is any lag, your aim is sliding all over the place. This game is not very good to play by yourself. The AI is dumb and you basically have to control him. You play as one of the two guys that is the best of the best. You are sent to locations to clean the out or to get info. during one mission, Elliot Salem, one of the two people you play as, is not sure who to trust anymore, so there's more than one front to the storyline. Cut scenes look good and makes the rest of the game look crappy. If you are thinking of picking this up, look for a friend to play it with before you do.
If you like to destroy sh!t, then you should ply Red faction: Guerrilla. Before I say anything else about this game, I have a question: Where are the Guerrillas? They are nowhere to be found in the game or the DLC. Red Faction: Guerrilla is set on the planet Mars 50 years after the events of the first Red Faction. In the game, you play as Alec Mason, a new coming to Mars, (that is a miner), you meet with your brother and go to do a job. After you are done with the job EDF, or Earth Defense Force finds you and your brother and kills your brother as you and him are trying to escape. You find out that your brother was part of the Red faction, you tag along with the red faction just to get revenge of the death of your brother. At first I did not know that the game was open world, this made me love it even more. With the help of the red faction you have to go from area to area and weaking the EDF in that area and take control of it. You do this by completing missions, like House Arrest, where you must rescue hostages from the EDF and return them to base. Guerrilla Raid where you must help the Red Faction clear an area of EDF soldiers and destroy a building. There is EDF Assault, given over the radio, you must help the Red Faction protect an area by killing all the EDF that attack. There are much more I could tell you about; but, if you like what you heard so far, you should pick this up. The game looks very much like saints row 2, but on Mars. The multiplayer is fun, but, has the same problem as saints row 2, which has with pubic matches. If you play alone, most likely, the other team is a group of friends playing together, and they will kick your ass. I would put this game in game of the year running it that good.
Another game that is in game of the year running for me is Batman: Arkham Asylum. This is the best batman game that I have ever played. Best Batman since Batman on the NES. The game looks great. Batman, the Joker, Bane. But not Harley Quinn. In the cartoon, she looks like she belongs next to the Joker in that red and white suit. She looks like she should be on a playing card; and playing cards are Joker's deal, so its a good contention. In the game, she looks like a Dominatrix nurse. They only did this for eye candy for the guys. Batman looks great and threw out the game costume rips and tares. Everyone from the cartoon lends their voice in the game. It is great and I love it. Kevin Conroy is the best voice for Batman. Also, Mark Hamill is the best voice for the Joker. The only thing I didn't like is the ending.

SPOILER: go to the next paragraph if you don't want to read it. At the end, you fight the Joker, except, he is not normal. He injected himself with a liquid that made him like Bain. So, the boss battle started and Joker starts chasing you. You run away from him until he stops and then the Joker jumps up to a high place and makes his goons attack you. I don't want to fight the goons. I want a one on one with Joker. So, you fight the goons off, Joker turns his back, you pull him down, punch him a few times and repeat three times and that's it. I spent some time thinking of a way to make the ending boss battle better and could not come out with anything. If you have a PS3 its a buy at $60. 360, wait until you can get it for $40 or lower.
Gamefly sent me Legendary. I didn't like the demo but Cloud8745 said the good was good so I put it on my Q. The game sucks. It is about Pandora's Box being opened and Werewolves, Fire Drakes, Griffins and Minotaurs are let loose all over the world. You play the guy who open the box and didn't know that would happen and now you are trying to stop all the mythical creatures. You are mostly fighting Werewolves, Griffins and Minotaurs are meanly bosses. There is no boss at the end of the game; you are just turning off switches. The ending is different then the other game, it is not a happily ever after. The look is okay nothing too amazing. It looks like the other bad games made with the unreal three engine.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled for the 360 is a remake of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time for the SNES. The SNES version is way better than this. This game was made by Ubisoft Entertainment. They also made TNMT and that game was also bad. The game is too easy. The different difficulties don't help. It just gives you less life. The 3D look messes with you and its hard to hit bosses and some enemies. The music is the worst, I don't like any of it. The voice work is okay; but, they repeat the same line over and over. Don't waste your 800 points on this game!
With Super Mario galaxy 2 coming out next year, I decided to finish up the first game. I have heard some say that Super Mario galaxy is the best Mario game ever. I will say it is the 2nd best. You just cant beat Super Mario 64. Everyone knows the story to Mario games: Princess Peach is kidnapped by Bowser and Mario needs to save her. This is one of the best looking Wii games I have ever played or seen. All the worlds are colorful and bright. The gravity in the game is confusing at first. A few times, I fell off thinking I could walk to the other side of the floor. The gravity and cameras made me a little woozy in some spots. I not have any problems with the camera for the whole game. I really enjoyed playing this and when I have some time, I will go for the 120 stars in the game. This is a must have if you have a Wii.
I beat Fear and Fear 2, but I can't remember both stories at all as of now. I will write more about this when I play through it again. I will just say that one is scarier than two. In one, if Alma touches you, you die. In two, Alma is grabbing you and you don't die from it. That just makes her less scary. I enjoyed playing one more than two. For multiplayer, you can find people in one, but rarely find a game in two. Buy Fear and if you really enjoy it, get Fear 2 for cheap.
Halo 3: ODST: a game that I feel didn't get that much hype. I didn't even want to get this game. I put this in my gamefly Q and they sent it the day it came out. The story is good; but I always get lost with the Halo game's story and I don't understand how this fixes in. In the game, you play as all the male members of ODST. Yes, there is a female member. Maybe you will play as her in DLC later? Your team get sent down to earth and during the drop, your team gets hit and scattered. Rookie (the new guy) wakes up 6 hours later and goes to look for the rest of the team. When you play as Rookie, you are in a open world; this part of the game is good. If you see a enemy, you can go in and kill or sneak and go around the enemy. You go around and look for items from the teammates that will bring you to a level where you play as them. During the search for these items, you could also look for audio logs of some black woman at a train station and an attack happens. I didn't find a lot of these in my play through and would like to find them. Making collectibles like this is a great idea. It makes you want to find them to find out what happens next. If you have not played any Halo games, pass if you have buy.
I beat Killzone and it is a good shooter for the PS2. I have not played that many on the PS2. The story is good with action and twist. The Helghast (the enemy in the game) are not told were they come from. Maybe I missed a cut scene, but I didn't hear anything about who they are and where they came from. All I know is you and your squad are trying to take them down. The cut scenes in the game are the best looking I have ever seen in a PS2 game and the rest of the game looks great too. My only complaint about the game is the ai partners and enemy tend to repeat the same thing over and over again. Also, your partners comment mostly every time you make a kill. It starts to get annoying after some time. Other than that, Killzone is a must have for shooter fans. There is a reason I finished this game. It's not because it was good.
On September 8th (my birthday), I got myself a gift. It was a PS3 slim. For the first time in my gaming history, I have all the current consoles. It feels so different to walk in to a Game stop or Best buy and go "Oh my can go see if they have this for the 360, wii, or PS3".I got two games with the system, Killzone 2 and inFAMOUS. I have not touched Killzone 2 yet, but, I have already finished two games for the system one great game and one no one should ever play.
inFAMOUS is one of the two games I picked up with the PS3. In the game, you play as a guy named Cole who is a delivery person. A package that you are delivering explodes and wipes out six city blocks. You awake after the blast and find out you have turned in to a human battery and now have electricity powers. Now, the best thing about the game is you get to choose to save the city from gangs and become a hero or have everyone fear you. I played as the hero. I would like to play this again and play as everyone fears you. The way the good guy or bad guy thing works is: there are parts in the game where you will have to choose to do the good thing or bad thing. The game does not tell you what is good or bad, you pretty much would know. The game runs smooth. It looks and sounds great. Im glad I picked this game up and I'm glad I got a PS3. This game came out the same time as Prototype. They look the same is what I can tell you right now. I would like to play that soon. If you have a PS3, you should get inFAMOUS, its a great game and I would say, as of now, the greatest PS3 game this year.
Now on to a game on one with a PS3 should ever play, touch, or even look at. Im talking about Haze. The game is very confusing, I was lost about what was going on the first 5 minutes of the game. You play as a guy who joins this group that's like an army, you and the group use this drug called Nectar. You then get talked into fight against the group and find out that Nectar is slowly killing the group. It took me 5 hours to beat the game and I'm lucky that there is co-op and there are people playing it. I almost fell asleep a few times during the game. Graphics look like a low budget 360 game that was made back in 2005. Just stay away from this game, please.

Im going to run through a few games that I played during the four months that ether doesn't have a story or I didn't finish for some reason. Wolfenstein 3D: I finished this. You play as a prisoner in a Nazi camp and are trying to escape. It's a good game, but, not as good as Duke nukem. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes: its fun but 'Im not a fighting game person. It took some time to find the right fighter to use. Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad: its a dumb boring game that's only good for 30 mins. Fallout 3: played 23 hours of it, loved it and will be playing more in the next few weeks. Im getting the game of the year edition. If you have not played this yet, get the game of the year edition. Boom Blox: looks like a demo for a physics engine, you throw a ball at blocks and that fall down. Battlefield 1943: is a great shooter for a download game, after over 100 games, it did get boring. Worms: it is ok for 400 points, feel that the computer cheats some times. Rock band 2: I suck at drums and hope to get better.I have not sing yet but will do that soon. Little big planet: must have for all PS3 owners. I made a level for Giantbomb question of the week and got it in the video. It was the first time I sent in a video to them. I can't believe what people can do in that game and how they do it. I want to unlock more things and learn more about making levels.

I played a lot of demos since the last post and I will run through them real quick: Lost planet: 2 looks great, feels the same as 1, wondering where did all the snow go. Shadow Complex I: will buy this later, feels like super metriod and castlevania. Trials HD: is like N+ on a bike, the level edit sounds cool and have seen some cool tracks, will buy this later as well. Splosion Man: also feels like N+ and want to get this later as well. I wish I could get those xbox arcade games now; but I have so many games I have not finished. Dirt 2: looks not as good compared to dirt. I was sliding everywhere, I didn't like it. Motor storm: Pacific Rift: is like dirt 2. 1 looks better and will rent that. Fuel made by the same people of dirt 2 code-masters, maybe the biggest open world in consoles but there is nothing in it but trees and a sign here and there and that makes it boring. Worms 2: feels like the first worms, buy the first worms. Monkey Island was good, but I don't see myself buying it. Not that funny and story sounds dumb. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood: was ok, but I don't see myself buying this as well. Nice bullet time action in the game. Super star dust HD: is like Geometry Wars, I want to get Geometry Wars 2 now. Echochrome: is a great puzzle game, will buy it later. Wipeout HD: I downloaded the demo then had to download a patch that took a half hour to download, there is only one track. I got bored with it quickly. Forza 3: didn't like it that much, may get if it gets great reviews. Brutal Legend: I loved it and may get it this week or before the end of the year. Need for speed: shift like it better than Forza 3, felt I had more control with the car.

Well as you can see I had a busy summer and the fall looks to be busy as well with new games. As of now Left for dead 2 and Modern Warfare 2 are on my list to get but that list may grow with other games. I will now start writing about the games I have finish or played right after I did it, not just wait two week and then start writing. I now have someone helping me with spelling and grammar and hope she helps me become a better writer. My fingers are start to get tired and they are going to get a work out this week with Fallout 3 and the other two games I will pick up at Toys r us sale on Tuesday. As of now I dont know what I will get, Demon's soul for the PS3 looks good and it has been getting get rating but it is hard. I am off to rest my hand to clean my room. Later.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

E3 and flashback 5

E3 has came and gone, this E3 got me hyped for a lot of games. The press conferences were so so, Sony and Microsoft were good and Nintendo and Ubisoft were boring. Microsoft was first and it seems they are always first. They opened up with The Beatles: Rock Band. The Beatles in the game look unfinished, has the same look as rock band 2. I believe I saw now 2 vocalist can sing in the same. It turned me off that the people playing were singing but they were lip sinking. After 20 mins of that they showed Modern Warfare 2, they part they showed off look cool as hell but I feel that bad part to show at the same time. Your person climbing a snowy mountain, you get to the top and pull out this gun with thermal vision on it and you go around shooting people using the thermal vision to help you see. OK that was cool but we cant see the action! I am going to get that game when it comes out. Then they talked about Final Fantasy XIII which looks good really dont care about it, Shadow Complex i cant remember it, Joy Ride which looks like a Wildly coyote cartoon you game to drive in and do trick with your 360 person. After that boring cramp Crackdown 2 was announced, Im hoping that there is a story this time and more to do than collecting 800 ORBS! Then Left 4 Dead 2 was announced and this proved to me that the first game has no more DLC coming for it, that is why the game of the year edition is out. There is not 5 people and now you get to use melee weapons. After that they showed Splinter Cell: Conviction, never played Splinter Cell, Forza Motorsport 3 which looks like 2, Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach. Microsoft finally showed Alan Wake, could this be the next Duke nukem forever? It seems that when I heard someone talk about this game they talk about how long it been in development. When I saw it I thought it was silent hill 5. Metal Gear Solid: Rising was the last game they showed and Hideo Kojima came out talked about it without a translator. In the Sony press Hideo Kojima talk about Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker he had a translator. So can he speak English or not? And that was Microsoft
The Nintendo press conference was a let down once again. OK they did show us four new Mario games but only one I liked was Galaxy 2. They opened up with New Super Mario Bros. Wii, to long of a name. It is a multiplayer Mario game where up to 4 people and run through 2D level. There are only 3 characters Mario, Luigi and Toad which can be different colors. They showed loads of cramp which I dont care about and talked about the numbers. Super Mario Galaxy 2 was announced, looks like the first game. They said that they had so much more they want to put in the 1st galaxy game that this was going to be 1.5 but they came up with more ideas and made it too, which mean we wanted people who bought one to also buy this so we named it two because not everyone would buy 1.5. They showed off more stuff like Dead Space: Extraction which I think will fail like the Dead raising game on the Wii. The last game was shown was Metroid: Other M made by Team ninja. Im hoping the camera in the game doesn't suck. I also wonder what will Samus look like if you 100% complete the game. The women in Team ninja have big boobies and will they make Samus rack bigger.
Sony press conference was great, they opened up with Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. The game looks great, the city looked amazing. I have not seen any multiplayer yet and hope to see some. After that MAG: Massive Action Game was shown, I wonder if you need a great internet hook up and lag. 256 people playing simultaneously wonder what it works. And then Gran Turismo! for the PSP, Dam it. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker aka The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. After that cramp, cramp, cramp, cramp, FFXII and cramp. God of War III has shown and this will be the reason I get a PS3. It still looks the same, it was running on 720 hd. Heavy Rain also looks great, I only saw video of a person walking around. Assassin's Creed II was shown again for everyone that fell asleep at Ubisoft press conference. Final Fantasy XIV Online was announced and I feel people are already hate the game because its online due to FFXI. Mod Nation Racers was also announced, its little big planet as a racing game. You get to make your own tracks, you get to control everything. The last game shown was Gran Turismo 5 FINALLY! Where the hell is this game? This game will be a system seller for Sony. Im betting next E3 comes GT5 will still not be out.
Since my last update I play very little, I mostly been playing stuff for achievement point. I played and finished Wario Land: Shake It! It is a rental, beat it in 6 hours. I would have beat it in 5 but had to backtrack for more money to buy a map to unlock the next world. To much of the game is too easy, a few of the boss battles and very few level and hard. The story makes no sense , someone stole a globe and gave it to Wario. The globe it self has a world were a princess it kidnapped and a sack that has endless coins in it is stolen. Some people from that world go to Wario world and ask him to save the princess and he could get the sack that has endless coins. That game was from gamefly, a other game they sent me is The Lord of the Rings: Conquest. Only play it if your a achievement whore. I am not a Lord of the Rings fan. The AI is cheap at times, if your down they will beat the cramp out of you and getting up when your down take to long. Some attaches are badly delayed. The game is mostly go here, take over this point, hold it and move on. I have start playing ghostbusters but will leave that for next time. I was very busy last week and every free time I had I was writing this blog. Next time Im hoping to finish a few games, this summer I will try and finish as much games as I can. Well Im off to go finish ghostbusters and then play Metal gear solid one through three.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Flashback project 4

After my last blog post I got the flu, no not the swine flu just the normal flu and was not in the mood to play pretty much anything. I was sick for two weeks and also during this time my Xbox 360 died, it would not read any disk. One hundred twenty dollars and two weeks later I got a xbox 360. Before my 360 died I did get to play two games from gamefly. I got Mirror's Edge the day of my last post and bought it after playing it for a hour. I finished it after I got the 360 back and Im glad I bought this. The game about a woman named Faith and she is trying to find the real killer at a murder that her sister was found at. I wont give away the end but a part is in first person and there is a omg I cant believe she did that. I will do speed runs in this game some time soon. There is two levels which I found hard, one where your riding on top of a train and one where you climb up in inside a build. The train level is all about remembering the level, there are signs flying at you fast and you have to jump to a other train. The level where you climb up in inside a build it feels like it last forever. I finished the game with out shooting anyone with a gun and didn't find it that hard to do. Now I was playing on easy Im guessing I will need to shot on hard. The last game I played on the 360 before it was sent out was James Bond Quantum of Solace. From what little I got to play, this is one of the rare movie games that's good. The game is made with the call of duty 4 engine and it shows. The controls feel the same as call of duty 4, the guns and aims feel the same. Online you have to buy your weapons and perks. I only got to play team deathmatch and I was doing good I was 2nd or 3rd in kills on my team in the few games I played. There is a cover system and that makes me wonder if Modern warfare 2 will have cover system. With the cover in single player I found the game too easy to play. I will be playing this when I can find it for twenty dollars. almost 2 weeks break from video games I started back up with some Sonic. I finished one, two, and three all in one night. two was the most fun and I liked the ending. The end of the first Sonic made me say "that's the end? that sucked", It didn't feel like a ending. I found Sonic 3 boring, Im guess after playing one and two I was getting sick of Sonic. I played all three games on Sonic mega collection. I plan on finishing the other games sometime soon. When I got back my 360 back I bought Dead rising. I found it fun until I got to the 2nd case and could not pass it. I tried over and over I finally gave up and will start a new game and go for the 53k kills and leveling up. Gamefly sent me Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters and Im glad I rented it. The game only took me 7 hours to beat, it does have the replay value of the rest of the Ratchet & Clank the weapon are mostly from older games and I had to do some leveling up with the weapons. The game about Ratchet & Clank are on break, a little girl want to take some pics of them after she takes the pics she is kidnapped, Ratchet & Clank go to save her and a hole brunch of twist and turns in the story. The game still has the humor of the other games. This is a game looking PSP game, I played the port of grand theft auto: liberty city stories and it looked like crap. This look like a PS2 game, when you fall to your death you could fall through something and that's the only problem I found. A other game that gamefly sent me is Mercenaries for the PS2. This is very much like the the 2nd game but this one sound like it has a story. I didn't play that much the game sounded long and I didn't have the time to spend that much time playing it. I finally finished Condemned on the 360. I started playing it in October, I stopped playing because of the holiday game rush and my 360 would read the disk. You play as FBI agent Ethan Thomas and you must find a killer who is killing other killers. The game is mostly fight with objects, you will find a gun here and there but with little ammo. I didn't find it that scary for a horror game but in enjoyed the story. The last game gamefly sent me was Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law based on the show. It has the same humor and look of the show. You play as Harvey and most win five case. It is a short game, finished it in four hours. If your a Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law fan its a rental. In the next blog I will talk about what happen during E3 and what I been playing as well.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Flashback project 3

Since my last update I have finished quite few games. I finished Mercenaries 2 and there is no real story to the game. You are just after one guy for revenge. So the game only fun for blowing crap up. Castle Crasher is a game that I started and finished, did some level alone and the others that I was lost or needed help did co op. There a lot of poop in the game, I am guessing its trying to be funny but I didn't find it that funny. There is also a few funny things for example one of the bosses when you defeat him he falls in to lava, stinks and his hand pop out and gets a thumbs up like in Terminator 2. I finally finished Zelda II and I like it better than The Legend of Zelda. I feel that the leveling system gave the game a reason to do more than just beat the game. Super Smash Bros. Brawl finished that and the story is good the way it is. No one talks in the whole game so you have to listen to the music and read their faces like a silent movie. I will slowly go for unlocking everything in the game. A game I am no where near finishing is Far cry 2. Collecting the diamonds and looking for safe house is getting very boring. When I'm all done with that I can get to the missions. I picked put super paper Mario and been playing that this week. The story seems to go to slow for me, things get repeated over and over. Some time I don't read the text and just blow right through it. I hate that I have to read in the game, I'm a slow reader and reading just takes more time out of the game for me. The boss battles feel a bit to easy. I'm wondering if there is any replayableaty after finishing the game. I am half way through it and may have it done next blog post. I was so busy trying to get kingpin the last 2 week and that's what hold me up from writing this. I'm starting to post video game video of me on youtube. If you want to check it out I'm up loading Gears of war 2 on insane which I did months ago. Well that's what I have been up to since the last update, I should get going. So many games and so little time.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Flashback project 2

Here is what I been playing since my last update. Play some more Zelda 2 and Mario RPG, didn't get to far in both. Game fly sent me Mario super sluggers and it's wii sports baseball with Mario characters. There a story mode which I gave a try, after 20 minutes I was lose and gave up on that and the game. You only really batting and pitching in the game. If someone hit a run in the park the AI will get the ball and then you have to throw it. You don't get to choose to who you just throw it. Pitching you can throw 3 types of pitches and you can curve the ball. There is no ball count in the game so every pitch is a strike, if it hit the ground strike, if its outside strike, if its in Strike. Batting I had a hard time with due to timing, I was ether to late or to soon. When I did hit the ball the game tells me to wave the Wii mote to run to 1st base but the character runs away without the movement. Every character have stats but every character feels the same. I have bought a few games the last 2 weeks, Super smash brothers brawl, Far cry 2, Mercenaries 2, Lego Indiana Jones, Ninja gaiden 2. Super smash brothers brawl is a good game for people who are not good at fighting games. I used the gamecube controller and got the hang of it very quickly. I play some online and gotten very little lag. Im stuck in story mode Im at a place where you stand on moving platforms and I have no idea where to go. Lego Indiana Jones thank goodness that the last Indiana Jones movie is not in the game, that movie sucked so bad! Not much to say about it you get the play the 3 Indiana Jones movies. Far cry 2 the beginning of the game is a 7 min cut scene, I been playing for 4 hours and hopefully that was the only long cut scene. Something that may bug me later in the game is collecting the 221 diamonds. collecting thing in games are not fun, it's mostly there to make the game longer. I mostly been playing Mercenaries 2 this week. I feel like like almost done with the game but I hope Im not because Im having fun with it. Blowing thing up is every fun and looks great. Beside the many glitches I seen in the game the game is great. Some of the people that join my game are not that great, they seen to just want to blow everything up and mess up my game. Those are some of the games I been playing for the last 2 weeks. I am getting animal crossing:city folk in the mail soon and will talk about that next time. I will also play more far cry 2, Mercenaries 2, Lego Indiana Jones, super Mario RPG, Zelda 2 and many more. Man I have to much time on my hands.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Flashback project 1

Its been two weeks since I my last blog talking about catching up with games from the past and keeping up with the current games. Since then here are some of the games I have been playing. I have been slowly going though Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. I have been trying not to use a guide but after a hour of wandering around I gave up and used a video guide. I am a little frustrated with it right now, I have to get a hammer and its a long way to get there. Im just about there and I die, game over. I have died and gotten game over from the same enemy 2 times. This Zelda feel more difficult than the first but in due time as I level up it will be more easy. I have also been playing on the Wii virtual console Mario RPG. I remember I rented this but played very little of it. I have played a few hours and got two of the seven. The leveling up a bit slow but not having any problems yet. I will try to play more this week. Last Tuesday I finally got Street fight 4 after a week of wait to cash a check I had. I have played only 4 hours of it since I got it. Im not much into fighting games and not good at them. I have been using mostly Ken and Zangief which I used to defeat Seth on medium. I have not done that much in the game and hoping to spend more time with it in the weeks to come. When I went to get Street fighter 4 I also got a 4000 point card. I got Lost and the dammed the DLC for Grand theft auto 4. I played it but speed run though it so I didn't get any of the story. I will play though it again and not skip the cut scenes. I also got with the points Castle crashers. I have played very little of this because every game online everyone leaves after a minute. With the help from game fly I got Nights: Journey of Dreams. After playing 30 minutes I was journeying to a dream of a better game. I almost fell a sleep playing this during the afternoon. I got as far to what Im guessing is a boss battle lose and ended up all the way back to the begging of the game. I only could focus myself to play a hour of this. That just some of the games I played others game would be for achievement points and some Mario kart trying to unlock everything and played some online.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I have some catching up to do.

I have been gaming for 20 years now. There are a great games that I have not played for many reasons. I have started to make a list of games that I should play. If you want to check it out link be at bottom. The list only have games that can be played on the Xbox 360, PS2 and Wii. Those are the only systems I have now, I do have a Nintendo 64 but its to hard for me to get games for that. PC is a maybe because I don't have a video/graphs card. Right now I have my eyes set on playing all the Zelda games that can be played on the Wii, maybe the Game boy advance with the help of game fly. I will will blogging and writing reviews of the games. Trying to think of a name for this. If you have a game that I should add let me know.